The Library of the School of Pre-School Education

The Library of the School of Pre-School Education, Mongolian National University of Education is a service unit responsible for providing library services, providing bibliographic information, and assisting its school's professors, teachers, staff, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of full-time, part-time, conversion classes, grade promoting classes, Saturday classes, temporary classes in improving their knowledge and education by research work and all kinds of books and publications.

The library complies with the requirements of the Law on Education, Labor Law, “Regulation on library activities” approved by the order No. A / 278 of the Director of the Mongolian National University of Education on November 9, 2017, and “Law on Library” approved on December 19, 2014, Requirements for the operation of the library environment MNS5742-2007, and other laws and egulations.

In addition to the school library, students also use professional textbooks, manuals, e-books, research papers, and journals from the Central Library of Mongolian National University of Education.

The library of the School Pre-school Education, Mongolian National University of Education has a reading room with a capacity of 100 seats with an area of ​​234 square meters. The reading room was renovated in 2018 to create a comfortable and learning environment for readers.

The library is staffed by two librarians and operates from Monday to Friday from 08:30am to 20:00pm and on Saturday from 10:00am to 18:00pm.